August 2020 Minutes
BHCC August 2020 Meeting
· Pumpfest/Beans and Biners
o No after-party, but there will still be live music at the Beacon
o Beans and Biners will not be in conjunction with Pumpfest
o Beans and Biners will be Sunday at South Seas Saturday @9am 5th September
o Pumpfest at the Ten Pins September 6th Sunday @9am
· Basecamp Showing of ‘Pretty Strong’
o Might happen in their parking lot
· Brandon Emery recently bought Sylvan Rocks
· Garth proposed that the BHCC sign a letter to make the Black Hills Lakes and Streams a recreational area to prevent the extension of mining in this area
· Access Fund Trail Day
o Might be cancelled/postponed because of COVID
o We could do our own trail cleanup day
§ Spire 4 approach
§ Tentatively the 2nd weekend in October
Taken by Victoria Hagg, Secretary