June 2020 Minutes

June 15, 2020 Meeting

·       CSP meeting

o   Great outcome, relationships re-established

o   Power Drill Permit and management plan will be further discussed in the Fall

§  Must call and email CSP before we go forth with repairs

o   Yearly plans will be reviewed

o   They asked for an overview map of climbing areas

o   Brochure idea for visitors that includes contact information and map

o   We can contribute as the eyes and ear of trail maintenance and clean-ups

o   They were excited about the Wag Bag idea if we provide details in the Fall

o   Helicopter complaints

§  They don’t have enough complaints filed to be able to enact a rule to keep the helicopters higher or further away

§  Send complaints to the park service office

·       Mt. Rushmore will be unofficially closed when Trump comes for 4th of July fireworks

o   Horsethief highway to Mt. Rushmore will be closed

·       Pumpfest + Beans and Biners

o   Still scheduled for Labor Day weekend

o   One park day and one day for Beans and Biners at Rushmore

·       Reel Rock

o   Must check with Elks COVID guidelines and regulations

·       Updated membership sign-up

o   All online now, more organized and user friendly

o   You can also go through the Access Fund

o   Automatic recurring payment

o   Membership qualify members to Outdoor Prolink prodeals

§  Reach out to other outdoor companies for prolinks

·       T-shirts

o   Graphic on the back

o   Artist ideas?

Recorded by Victoria Hagg