May 2021 Minutes
BHCC Meeting 5/17/21 by Mary Bjorklund
Jim’s “show and tell” of his old gear his is giving away. Museum quality gear given away to meeting attendees and
Coalition. Coalition is keeping some carabiners for setting up topropes. Basecamp took some old stoppers to make
an art item at the gym.
The park service is tired of the helicopters and suggested to us to go on the website and write complaints to get
voices out there. They need complaints to be able to get rid of them. Mark or Peyton will make an Instagram post or
email giving the link and details of how to do this.
-Outdoor prolink is available as a benefit to BHCC members. Make sure people who are wondering about the
coalition know about it and this awesome perk.
Pump Fest
-Pump fest is July 9th, 10th, and 11th. Beacon is booked Saturday for another event, so the coalition will go to the
Beacon on Friday and on Saturday will gather at the gear shop. Gear shop is allowing us to camp and drink there.
Booths for businesses and local artists are questionable, maybe on patio.
-Pete Delanoy is committed for a talk Friday night of Pump fest. Other emails are still out there for other speakers to
-Members are asked to help to contact people they know to donate prizes or other goodies for the pump fest.
-Probably holding pump fest climbing Saturday at near downs in middle earth. Make sure people are staying on trails
and protecting plant life.
-Trail days coming soon with dryer weather. Some places in Rushmore area need our work. Deadfall trees is a
problem in a lot of areas. Still working with the park service on dates.
-Matt has silica packets at the gear shop to put in old summit registers to protect them. If you know of summit
registers that need preserving stop by Granite sports and pick some up to put in summit registers.