June 2021 Minutes
BHCC Meeting 6.21.2021 by Mary Bjorklund
Pump fest –
Trying to get shirts ordered/shipped by pump fest.
July 9: The guest speakers will be starting at 5:00 pm. Pete Delanoy (route developer in the hills since
the 70s), some rangers from devils tower, and basecamp staff will be speaking. There will be a bluegrass
band playing at the Beacon.
July 10: Climbing all day in Middle Earth, Near Downs. Volunteers are to come early Saturday to set up
TRs. Volunteers reach out to Mark or Peyton for details. Saturday night gathering will be held at The
Outdoor Shop in Custer for games.
July 11: Sunday will be open climbing. Basecamp and sylvan rocks will be there to help beginners.
Bolting/Misc -
Hirsch and Stetser finished the to-do list in Woodpecker. Attempted to re-bolt the Lander Turkey Shoot
but the top was starting to crack so they bailed. Badbolts.com has a Black Hills section that will send the
coalition an email when a route with bad bolts is submitted (link on website and Facebook page).
Kelly from Mt Rushmore – Peregrine falcons are nesting on the south side of Rushmore formation.
Never been seen before. They want any peregrine locations reported or any nesting raptors. These
reports could have an impact on Rushmore fireworks and regulation for flights in the rushmore area.
Kelly_Mathis@nps.gov rene_ohms@nps.gov
Access issues in the VC-
Don’t trespass in Dark Canyon or anywhere posted. Sandy Lockheart (dark canyon land owner) has her
property posted but still has problems with trespassing. They have found ropes tied to trees to get up
steep parts of the trail on her property. Email was sent out to notify climbers, more information
available on the BHCC webpage.