August 2021 Minutes
Meeting 08/16/21 by Mary Bjorklund
Beans and Biners
-Event will be held on Labor Day weekend Saturday, September 4th 2021. BHCC plans on having a chili cook off. Winner of the cook off will be voted upon by other attendees. The winner prize will be provided by granite sports. We plan to make signs to post around while we are having beans and biners so people know what is going on.
-Sometime in September a trail day will be organized around Rushmore. Raffle prize will be provided by granite sports for trail day volunteers.
-Luke is further researching his idea about paying for climbers to help with rebolting . Luke is reaching out to people who have more experience with it. The sticking point is still how to pay people without having to hire them as an employee in order to avoid legal logistics.
-Bolting Committee has recently replaced anchors on Goldberry, Orcasm and Tower of Teeth.
-50 t-shirt orders have been placed since after Pump Fest. More extras have been ordered to sell at beans and biners and also keep on hand for later events.
-SD Outdoor shop and Mt. Rushmore Brewing are planning on buying pint mugs. They will put our logo and their logo on them and fill it once when people buy the mug. We are likely separating this event for the off-season or for an after party for trail day volunteers.
Still looking for board members to replace Mark, Peyton, Bennett, Mary