September 2021 Minutes
BHCC 9.20.21 by Mary Bjorklund
Meeting Attendees: Chris, Mark, Peyton, Tony, Ron, Becky, Ron, Andrew, Jay, Tyler, Fred
Beans and Biners: Will potentially change the name of the event next year to avoid any accidental
offence to any populations. There were a few complaints emailed to the coalition after this years event.
55 T-shirts sold across the country; just over $1,000 dollars earned just for the shipped/email-ordered
Future Apparel: Thinking of doing hats or long sleeves for next year. Merchandise has been an easy way
to raise money this year.
Art designs: Will talk about doing more work with Sarah on designing more for future merchandise.
Basecamps says they will support and pay her for that design time.
Reel Rock: Not doing shows for next year. BHCC looking into showing some films independently just to
get some people together. Mark will reach out to see how much purchasing these films independently
would cost the coalition. Basecamp is willing to show one of the films at the gym. The other would
potentially be played at The Elks Theatre or the Custer beacon.
The Custer Outdoor Shop: Sylvan Rocks, Custer Outdoor Shop, Mount Rushmore Brewing company are
wanting to collaborate to do a steel pint fundraiser. First drink you pay for the cup and get one drink for
free. Potential date is October 23 rd . Would like to do a trail day and then have the event.
Trail days: Mount Rushmore Trail-day October 23 rd potentially. Areas of interest: South Seas, Shark’s Fin
gully, Bull rock social trail near register, Marker area, National mall, Chopping block, Star dancer, steps
near the pullout parking near the wrinkle rock turnoff. Custer trail day could be Middle earth area,
Noman, and Spire 4 approach. Probably will do Custer State Park on the 23 rd and then do Pints and
Pitons after. Then do November trail day at South Seas.
Outdoor Prolink has decided we are starting to have to many members to be giving out pro deals. From
now on only volunteers and board members will receive the pro deal.
Spearfish Brewing Co. is taking charity/donations to give to BHCC because Harrison Tuber got employee
of the month and choose BHCC as his nonprofit.
Still Looking for new board members. Approach Mark or Peyton with anyone interested.
The coalition has some extra money. Probably going to buy some new lockers or quickdraws for the