Minutes from 2008

Black Hills Climbing Coalition 

Meeting 12/16/08

Attendees: Cheryl, Daryl, Kaleb, Eric, Will, Brent, Jeff, Mike, Jim, Shannon, Bruce and Becky Old Business: 

• Bolting Committee: Becky proposed a recommendation from the general coalition to the bolting  committee about having "bolting kits" for the bolting committee members. It is proposed that the  bolting committee members meet to decide if this sounds like a good idea and what exactly will be  in each kit. Documentation of each piece of hardware etc. and an accurate list of routes repaired  would be required prior to any replenishment of kit items. This will hopefully allow for more  flexibility in making repairs for the ultimate goal of getting more repairs accomplished. It was  seconded by Daryl and was voted on and passed. We ask that the bolting committee meet and report  their decision back to the general coalition meeting. Brent also suggested an online submission of  all repair work done. 

• Boulder Comps: One is set for Jan 10th at the Athletic Center. Mike suggested we ask to see if the  proceeds from it could go to purchase new holds at the gym. Daryl is to look into this further. 

New Business: 

• Audit Committee: Roger, Brian, and Jim met for an internal audit of the books. There were receipts  for almost everything with the exception of some speakers. It was reminded that receipts were  needed for everything. It was stated that all incoming money needs to have a checks and balance. 2  separate people are to count the money and check the deposit. Brent asked the tax status-Non profit.  Check book balance is at $1647.00 and the savings account has around $2000.00 and exact amount  was not known at the meeting. 

• Nominees for 2009 Board members to be voted on next month. 

Chair: Elect one 

Brent - thoughts for improvements next year: possibly less meetings-one yearly, having projects laid  out-example trail project could form this on the website and use it as a communication tool. 

Bruce Junek - Get a good publicist, get the website up and running, brainstorm on new members and be  crazier and try meetings in different towns in the Black Hills. 

Co-Chair: Elect one 

Lyle, Kaleb Hansen, Will Busse 

Secretary: Becky Wagner 

Treasurer: Jim Schlicter 

• Publicist: Eric Hansen Need to update the website and get it running again. Need to post new  information in a timely manner and check and respond to emails. Chair will email newsletter to  publicist and then publicist will get it on the website. Forrest Balk volunteered to help revamp the  website. Eric will contact him. 

Members at Large: Elect 2: Ron Yahne, Peter Lev, Mike Cronin

• It has been proposed that a new position be opened and voted on next month. We have had  difficulties lately with having a current list of members. It was proposed to have a membership  director with the job description of keeping a current list of members and being a promoter of new  membership. Nominee: Cheryl 

• Access Fund Representative: Daryl Stisser has agreed to be the representative from the Black Hills  Climbing Coalition. 

New Trails in the Hills 

• Mickelson/Rushmore trail. Daryl reported about the meeting in Keystone. This is in regards to a  proposed trail from the Mickelson trail to Mt. Rushmore. Discussion about what issues will arise  and if it is possible to do this. There are some issues with a few land owners in order to make this  possible. Also one of the proposed routes goes up the old road through the South Seas and Wrinkle  rock parking lot. The trail system may consist of 12-18 miles of new trail in the Rushmore area.  This could have a large impact on climber's parking and free camping at Wrinkle rock. It may be in  the coalitions best interest to voice our opinion on the situation. 

Potential Road Closure: 

• Mike Cronin brought to our attention that there is a proposed road closure though the off road travel  management plan. They will be seasonal and some permanent closures of roads. The road of  concern for climbers is Rd 150 off Sheridan Lake Road. You turn right after mile marker 7 on  Norseman and then branch off onto 151E. This is the main public access to the VC climbing area.  This may cause a land lock of the climbing area. Mike is asking for climbers to write letters to the  Forest Service about key things of this is a climbing area close to Rapid and can disperse recreation  to take some of the pressure off of Spearfish Canyon. The VC has had bolted routes Mike plans to  hand out a letter asking for letters of support and where to send them at the Andy Burr Slide show on  Dec 30th. 

Having the Coalition Meetings in Different Places: 

• There was a motion to have meetings in different places. 

Jan meeting 3rd tues at the Gaslight at 7. 

• Might look into meeting in Hill City in Feb. and possibly at Common Grounds in Spearfish in  March. It was suggested to add a carpooling place on our website. 

December Slide Show: 

• Andy Burr Slide show scheduled for Dec. 30th at 7 pm at Dublin Square. Minors allowed until 9  pm. It was decided cost is $10 and there will be free membership to the coalition included. Becky  will make a form for attendees to fill out with their name, email and phone number. All dues start in  Jan of 2009. It was moved and passed that dues start at the first of the year. This will allow us to  start a current member list. Brent will look into getting items donated for auction for fund raisers. 

January Slide Show: 

Tentative January 31st slide show by Peter Lev. Not sure where it will be yet. 

• Brent suggested that we make membership cards to present at places such as Granite Sports, etc. • Items to be discussed at the January Meeting: 

Vote for new board members. 

Daryl will comment on how we could get insurance for an outdoor comp.

Discuss the goals of the coalition and the benefits of membership. 


Meeting at the Gas Light 

Attendees: Ron Yahne, Chris Spellmeyer, Becky 

• Tour of the Hall of Records has been canceled due to snow until further notice. 

• Discussion of bolting committee. The current protocol is not working well. There is frustration in  lack of a timely response from approval and receiving of hardware for the people doing repairs. It  has been proposed again to have “kits” for each person on the bolting committee, that get replaced  only when good records of where the current kit hardware was used. It was mentioned that it would  

be good to always recon the entire route but if there are bad anchors, they can be replaced without  repairing the entire route due to safety issues with bad anchors. 

Darryl is back and may organize some bouldering comps. 

• Granite Sports is willing to take money for people who would like to become members for us.  Members get a 15% discount there. This may help to increase our membership. 

• Becky said if she could get a list of current members she would be willing to try and keep up with  current email addresses. Becky had talked with Forrest Balk and he said he would be willing to  revamp our WEB page over Christmas holiday. Becky needs to find out from Aaron how to get be  able to change things on our web site. 

Climbing Coalition Meeting 

Minutes for the 10/21/08 meeting 

Attendees: Ron Yahne, Rick, Chris, Brent, Aisling, Eric, Jim, Will, Carrissa, Pete, Ron Williams, Jason  Lambert and Becky 

Old Business: 

• Holiday Hike to the Hall of Records - tours are shut down due to a liability issue, someone fell and  broke their ankle so they have shut down tours but Todd said he would work on seeing if they would  let us. Ron is working with Todd. 

The slide show with Dawn Glanc: it was short notice and she was not interested at this time. • Peter is still willing to do a slide show this fall.

• Andy Burr is willing to do a slide show this fall also. 

New Business: 

Brent comments: 

• Vern Phinney is working on a new guidebook. There have been comments in the past about they  layout being confusing so he will try to remedy that. Brent is helping Vern - they are looking at the  entire Rushmore area from Raspberry to Horse Thief. Vern wanted a self publish and to do it in  black and white. Andy Burr however will not support photos in a black and white book. Brent and  crew are looking into a grant with S.D. Tourism and using (Fred Nightly?) at Sharp End Books.  Sharp does the marketing and pays for the publishing up front. It would be a 3-stage process with a  goal for the first book out in 1 year containing East Harney Range, 2nd volume-West Harney and  3rd volume bouldering in Harney. They will be looking for proofreaders and editors. Please contact  Brent or Vern for more info. 

Rick discussed Primal Quest 2009. 

• Rick is on the Rapid City Sports Board of Directors and came to inform us of Primal Quest 2009. It  is a 10 day human powered backcountry adventure race. It is Aug.15-24th 2009 and to be hosted in  the Rapid City area. They consist of co-ed teams of 4 people. All members have to compete in all  components. It will consist of categories of trekking, climbing, swimming, spelunking, biking etc.  Nov 1st is the opening of registration. They have a goal of 75-100 teams from all over the world,  cost of entry is $11,500. It is expected to bring a million direct spent to the area with 2 million in  free advertising for S.D. Rick is asking the coalition to support the event through entries, volunteers  and ideas for routes for the event. They are looking for about 4 routes around the 5.7 grade, possibly  some side by side routes. These will all be done with a fixed rope. They have used slings in the  past-usually n new bolting - if there is they would remove and cover well. Please bring ideas to  Rick at 381-5372 or email him at emersric@rapidnet.com Media ideas to go to Emily Currey at 605- 773-3301 or email at emily.currey@state.sd.us For more information of Primal Quest see their web  site at www.ecoprimalquest.com 

• Chris said that Darryl was willing to have a bouldering comp in early Nov. but he will be out of  town until right before then so looking for someone to advertise. N takers at this time. 

Climbing Coalition Meeting 

Minutes taken by Rebecca Kay for 9/08 

• Bruce to check with Dawn Glanc about slide show. 

• Ron to check with Todd about a holiday hike in the hills to the Hall of Records. Investigating insurance thru Tech and cost for coalition. 

Climbing calander dates for next year?

Climbing Coalition Meeting 

Minutes from the meeting on 8/20/08 at The Gas Light 7pm 

People present at the meeting. 

Jim, Ron, Susan, Peter, Roger, Darrell, Shawn and Becky 

Old Business 

Jim gave a treasurers report: 

Paul Piana slide show net $455 plus a $500 donation from Mike Engel. This did include everyone’s  membership dues. Roughly 50 members signed up. Leaving a rough balance in the acct of $2300. Paul  charged $500 and the Elks charged $250. 

• In was mentioned that in the past we had people renew their memberships at pumpfest and that we  seemed to have a better turn out. It was mentioned to note this for next year. 

New Business 

• A suggested event for Oct. was a Dawn Glance movie or slide show, her request was $500 and  travel expenses. The question was raised to see how much travel expenses would be and if she  would take $500 total? Ron was to look into it. 

• Peter also offered to do a slide show for the cost of a hotel room at the Alex Johnson and supper. • Another idea was to see if the Firehouse or the climbing club at Tech would sponsor a place for a  slide show. Contact Mike Kegan at Tech. We will ask Bruce (not present) to look into this. 

• Ron wants to add Raisins in the Sun to the bolting list, a new bolt at the traverse at least. Ron had  spoken to Mike and Mike had commented he was impressed with their work and was willing to have  Raisins retrobolted. This was Oked by the members present at the meeting. 

• Ron has requested more drill bits. It was Oked by the present members to get him some more. 

Other routes in need of repair: 

Gold Line 

Left most route on Queen Pin-1st bolt is bad above the shelf 

• It was brought up for discussion that the people on the bolting committee have a kit with enough  equipment for repairing more than one route at a time. Each bolting committee member would have  to turn in their repair lists to account for the items used in order to get a replacement kit. This was a  suggestion to decrease the time it takes to rebolt and repair routes. It seems that time of qualified  repairers is difficult to find and that repairs are in need, so a proposal of all bolting committee  members getting a kit to expediate the process and that they were allowed to repair anything as they  feel fit as long as it is on the “Approved Route Repair List”. It was unanimous that good records of 

what was repaired and what equipment was used is of high importance. The bolting committee is to  discuss this and report at the next meeting. 

Beans and Biners 

Set for Aug 30th – Pot Luck at Rushmore 

• The coalition will furnish chili or burritos (Jim will bring burritos if he can attend-he will contact  Becky within the week to let her know. If not Shawn may be able to make chili. If not Becky can  make something. Darrell offered to donate some buffal meat and Becky offered to donate some  beef. We usually make for 40-50 people.) 

• *Need Bruce to send out an email notice about it being a pot luck 

• *Need Bruce to get flyers up ASAP. Gus has done the flyers in the past? 

• *Tables Becky can bring 3 card tables. If more are needed Bruce should be contacted to bring some. *Bruce alert Forest Service and get a permit?