Minutes from 2011

Black Hills Climbing Coalition Meeting Minutes 


Athletic Club 7pm 

Attendees: Chris Pelczarski, Terran Bergdale, Becky Pinkelman, Adam Bergdale, Jason McNabb, Ron  Yahne, Becky Wagner, Andy Koosman, Brionna Stengel, Jim Slichter, Chris Hirsh, Daryl Stisser, Bruce  Junek, Ron Williams, Aisling Sutton, Jack Torness, Jim Slichter, Denise Hardesty, Rebecca Wold, Elan  Labeau, Jacob Sorum, Robbie Freidel  

Voted in Board Members: 

Chair: Jason McNabb 

Co-Chair: Chris Pelczarski 

Secretary: Becky Wagner 

Treasurer: Jim Slichter 

Publicist: Daryl Stisser 

Members at Large: Ron Yahne, Mike Cronin 

All positions with the exception of Member at large were not voted on because they were uncontested.  A ballot vote was done for the members at large.  

It was proposed that the next meetings be held at the athletic club. It was voted and passed that Chris  Pelczarski will work out the details with the Athletic Club.  

Meeting Adjourned and climbing followed.  


Black Hills Climbing Coalition 

Meeting Minutes 


SDSM&T 7pm 

Attendees: Chris Pelczarski, Taryn Bergdale, Becky Pinkelman, Adam Bergdale, Jason McNabb, Ron  Yahne, Becky Wagner, Andy Koosman, Brionna, Jim Slichter, Trent Slichter 

• Repair Updates: Nothing new since last month, plan to order more bolts next spring and get a list of  repairs to do 

Last months Project Discussion: 

Three were voted in last month:  

1)Outdoor Climbing Boulder at a City Park (9) 

2) Hosting a series of speakers in 2012 

3) Climbing museum/shed near Sylvan (or somewhere) (1) 

• It was voted that the primary project for 2012 be the Outdoor Climbing Boulder. It was voted in at 9  votes over 1 for the museum. Adam Bergdale was nominated and agreed to be chair of the Boulder  project committee and was told there is some interest by Mark Jobman on helping with a grant for  this from the Alpine Club. It was felt that all 3 were good ideas so Chris Pelczarski was nominated 

and agreed to be chair of the museum. Taryn Bergdale was nominated and agreed to be chair of the  speakers.  

• It was voted on and passed that if someone has a project and would like to bring it to the BHCC for  review, we can vote to be a foundation for fruition of their ideas. Motion by Daryl Stisser  

Jim gave a treasurers report as of the end of Oct. Checking at 272.86 and savings at 1435.76  

Board Officers nominations: 

(2) Members at Large: Ron Yahne (accepted), Mike Cronin, Rebekah Wold 

(1) Treasurer: Jim Slichter (accepted) 

(1) Secretary: Becky Wagner (accepted) 

(1) Publicist: Daryl Stisser (accepted) 

(1) C chair: Chris Hirsh, Andy Koosman (accepted), Chris Pelczarski 

(1) Chair: Jason McNabb (accepted), (Declined nomination by Chris Pelczarski) • Each member has one week to accept or reject the nomination 

Voting Procedures for December: 

• It was voted and passed to have the next meeting at 12/14/11. This will likely be at the Athletic  Club.  

There will be 3 minutes per person on the visions they have for the coalition for each nominee.  

• Only paid members are allowed to vote. It was voted that new members can pay for 2012 and then  vote at this meeting. (Get 13 months for the price of 12!) For current members, they can pay for  2012 if they wish in Dec. but can vote with out paying 2012 dues. 2012 membership starts Jan 1st  2012 so pleas pay your dues.  

A final list of candidates will be online by Nov 23rd.  

• Voting may be done tw ways: Either by email to the board at bhcc@chclimbers.com by 7 pm  12/14/11, or in person by ballot at the next meeting on 12/14/11. N phone in votes will be  accepted.  

Black Hills Climbing Coalition 

Meeting Minutes 

10-19-11 7pm 

SDSM&T Classroom Building  

Attendees: Becky Wagner, Ron Yahne, Jim Slichter, Chris Hirsh, Chris Pelczarski, Becky Pinkelman,  Denise Hardesty, Alyssa Biel, Andy Koosman, Trent Slichter, Sam Greear, Jerry  


Needles Hwy is closed for bug clean up.  

Pumpkin party was cold and snowy, not a great day for a good turnout.  

• 300 climbing holds were made for the Athletic club. 75 shapes – A big Thanks to Jim, Denise, Jason  and Hirsh for doing this! 


Route Repair Update: 

Replaced bolts and anchors on Fine Line on Exclamation Point 

New Anchors on Buckshot Eyes and Purple Heart 

• Toy Boat: Tightened loose bolts and replaced bad anchors on backside of toyboat. Rock is soft and  crumbly. May want to consider glue ins in the future.  

New Anchors on 3 Rings for Elvin Kings 

• The Status on supplies is that a meeting in feb with rich to reorder and restock 

N showcase today  

Watched the utube vide Boogie till you poop! 

• New month we may try to get Cheryl or Lindsey to discuss plants.  

Last month – talked about alpine club and working together on projects 

Ideas for 2012: 

Ice park at CSP 

Outdoor climbing boulder at city park 

Host guest speakers in 2012 

Climbing Museum near Sylvan 

Climbers Campground/cabin 

• Buyout rights to Touch the Sky 

Covered picnic area at Breezy Point 

Climbing film night at the Elks  

Voted for top ideas these were the 3 that received votes:  

Outdoor climbing boulder (5 votes) 

Climbing Museum near sylvan (4 votes) 

Host Guest speakers (1 vote) 

• More discussion to come at the next meeting 

• Discussion of changes at Wrinkle Rock-new trails, adding to parking, new camping sites, The park  recently contacted Ron Yahne about contacting the coalition-he gave the pres and vice pres of the  coalition contact inf to him through the coalition email.  

• The park is concerned with parking at the top of the ridge that drops into middle earth. They  discourage parking there.  

Next month: 

• Proposal to add a historian: Role to keep old hardware, old registries, store old documents, old  photos. If there was a museum they would be a back bone to the museum. The proposal is for  removing a member at large and replacing with a historian. There was much discussion about it  being a great idea. Concerns were changing the backbone of our structure by removing a member at  large so suggestions were to just have a historian but not a board member. Another concern was  unless we had a museum to keep the things in would there be the potential that one individual could  misplace or move and take them with them. N decisions were made just discussion at this meeting.  Plan is to discuss at the board meeting and bring to the next meeting.  

• Nov to nominate officers: 

Nominations will be taken in person verbally at the meeting, off the website, by email, or by telling a  board member your nomination.

November 16th at midnight is the deadline. Absolutely n additions after this.  • We will have a board meeting to layout who and how we can vote.  

• Dec meeting to collect dues, maybe have at the Athletic Club, climb and new holds and have a social  – Chris Pel to look into this.  

Sept., 2011 meeting, N minutes were recorded. 


Black Hills Climbing Coalition 

Meeting Minutes 

8/17/11 7pm 

SDSM&T Classroom Building Rm 204 

Attendees: Daryl Stisser, Becky Wagner, Ron Yahne, Jim Slichter, Chris Hirsh, Eric Sutton, Chris Pelczarski, Jason McNabb, Adrienne Lindholm, Becky Pinkelman, Terran Bergdale, Adam Bergdale, Josh Balt, Sam Greear, Denise Hardesty, Alyssa Biel, J.R. Lavielle 

Route Repair Updates: 

• Jason McNabb talked to Rich and hopes to get anchors on 3 Rings soon 

• Others Scheduled are Hard Rocker and anchors on Buckshot Eye, plan to do the Yellow Wall this fall 

Additional Suggested Repairs is the route on the back side of 3 Rings. 

Next Month Josh Balt will showcase his vide about 45 min long 

• Henry Barber submitted a letter to the coalition that announced there are n longer any bolts on the route Super Pin that he was the FA on. He requested it be read but did not leave a copy for the file. Response of the coalition was that it was reviewed and thank you for the submission. 

N agreements were made, n votes were done at this meeting on any subject. 

• Beans and Biners is Sept 3rd at Rushmore. It was voted and passed to give money to Shawn Callahan if he would make chili for the event. 

There was discussion of t-shirts with the old spire and mountain goat on the front with • a piton and spire on the back. This brought up discussion of a new proposed logo of • Stoney Rocks submitted by Rebecca Wold. A picture was not available so a vote will occur at the next meeting. 

Daryl Stisser asked if there was any interest in Ice Farming at Sylvan Lake. It would help the park with a year round experience. Insurance would be needed and it would be • a $700 to multi thousand dollar project. Other benefits would be if we got insurance we could have an outdoor comp again. Some interest and it will be put on the agenda for next meeting.

Adam Bergdale discussed putting 3 manufactured boulders in M hill park. Cost is about • 75,000 for 3 boulders. He will get more inf to discuss at the next meeting. Meeting Adjourned 

Black Hills Climbing Coalition 

7/20/11 Meeting Minutes  

SDSM&T 7pm 

Attendees: Chris Pelczarski, Eric Sutton, Chris Hirsh, Taryn Bergdale, Becky Pinkelman, Adam  Bergdale, 

Jason McNabb, Ron Yahne, Becky Wagner, Forrest Balk, Allissa Biel, Andy Koosman, Caleb Hansen,  Mike 

Cronin, Nicki Uhre 

• Follow up to last m meeting: 

• Get your membership cards from Chris P. Forrest Balk also became a member and we gave an  overview 

• of why to be a member. 

Pin Fest was a great time and a good turn out for the high temps! 

Evergreen update: A few people have climbed it with good reports. 

Update on other repairs: 

Screamin Wheaties – replaced bad bolt 

Buchshot Eyes and Purple Heart – replaced a bad bolt still needs new anchors 

Left Wing of Smog – new anchors in a better belay spot 

Ate One Today – placed chain instead of webbing 

Kiss My Aspen – Put chain on anchors 

Speaker – Eric Sutton discussed the controversy over Cold Feat. He discussed that Archbold mainly wants n controversy and he wants n more discussion. Cold Feat will stay the way it is currently • repaired. Eric went into discussion on an Agreement that was made in 1988 when Rushmore was getting developed. It was being established as a safe fun climbing area. At that time a lot was discussed • and the community consensus was retr bolting was allowed to keep up with the statements that were in climbing magazine back then that stated this was a well protected, fun climbing area. Eric • commented on the fact that working with the land managers to allow permits for power drilling for repairs was a role model for the country. The permits and the Agreement were huge and the first of their kind in the US. He commented that we are extremely lucky to have so many diverse areas and diverse climbers, it is wonderful that there are areas for each personal tastes here, and reminded us to remember others wants and needs as well as your own and treat others as you would want to be treated. 

Mold A Hold Party- we will see if Jim will host a party 

Andy Koosman-member showcase – he did an excellent job presenting different hardware and their breakpoints. A list of hardware and slings broken with the weight limits will be submitted later. 

Next Month’s Showcase– Mike Cronin 

Fall Activities were discussed: 

Beans and Biners – Sept 3rd. 

• Pumpkin Party – Chris P. will look into permission this year 

• Choke Cherry Wine – make some and put in Orc Cave. Need volunteers to pick choke cherries.  Maybe 

see if Daryl and Cheryl would have a party. 

Black Hills Ice Festival? Small amt of interest 

• Guidebook Update – Cronin’s Limestone in the Black Hills to be out soon. Burr Slideshow? 

Discussion of replacing bolt for bolt Yellow Wall all 3 pitches. Discussion it would take about 30 bolts and we currently have about 60 on hand. This will last us the rest of the year and next year we can • purchase 100 for about $700. There were donations at a Burr slide show a number of years ago to  have 

• this done. All 5 present board members voted and unanimously passed to have it repaired. 

Next meeting 8/17/11. 

 Black Hills Climbing Coalition 

Meeting Minutes 

6/15/11 7pm 

SDSM&T Classroom Building Rm 204 

Attendees: Daryl Stisser, Becky Wagner, Ron Yahne, Jim Slichter, Peter Lev, Andy Koosman, Chris Hirsh, Eric Sutton, Skip Nagel, Chris Pelczarski, Chuck Mordhorst, Jake Furguson 

• We now have membership cards! We also have VIP cards to Arriba and Grizzly Creek for 10% off. 

• Update on the bylaws: The board decided to wait until winter to see if any need updating • due to time restraints by summer activities.

• Reminder there is an available resource of bringing things to the board. We now have • protocols for presentations that anyone can bring to the board. One needs to contact • Chris prior to the montly meeting and he will set up for the board to meet with them prior • to the next months meeting. This will help avoid major controversy at meetings. 

Todays showcase presenter: Peter Lev 

Volunteers are needed for next month presentation: Andy Koosman said he would host a • Gear Breaking to experiment with the pressures involved in breaking gear. He will set up getting biners, daisy chains, cold shuts, dynamic rope, etc. 

• The voting on the changes to Evergreen passed (5-2) in favor of the changes. The reviews from the public were 7 votes clearly for the changes, 4 votes against, and 3 in between. This is posted on the website. 

Pin Fest: Sat July 16th 

• Committee to get posters up: Chris P and Jake to take care of this. A facebook event • was created and posted. Pot Luck if you wish to bring stuff. Time 9am Ten Pins Chris to bring plates, napkins and utensils. 

Mold a Hold Party: Rescheduled again! Sat June 25th at Rushmore – Wrinkle Rock- pot luck. 9am climbing and afternoon hold making.  

Next meeting July 20th. 

Black Hills Climbing Coalition 

Board Meeting 5/11/11  

Sanfords Pub 6:00p 

Rapid City, SD 

Attendees: Daryl Stisser, Jason McNabb, Ron Yahne, Chris Pelczarski, Becky Wagner, Mike Cronin,  Rich Barry, Jim Slichter 

• Presentation to the board: 

• Eric Sutton presented a process to the board that allows members to present a proposal to the board.  His points were that this would allow another way members could communicate other than email to  the board because email is not personal. He recommend that a certain amount of time is given to a  member to present to the board and that they present orally and in written form. He suggested only  one or tw people at a time and that they can speak for a group, but n large groups of people to  present. This is a way to keep people happy having tw options: email or proposal to the board. The  board would get back to the presenter in a timely fashion. Eric then left the meeting and allowed  private discussion from the board members.  

Terms of Approval for the proposal of member communication with the board:  • It was then proposed and passed (6-1) that a trial basis of a 5 minute time limit (more time allowed if  board members have questions) for any member (n groups) to present a written and oral proposal of any kind to the board prior to the regular meetings would be allowed providing a written  proposal was submitted to the president at least 1 week prior to the monthly meeting. The board  would not need to comment at the time of presentation, but would get back to the presenter in a  timely fashion.  


Discussion of a possible Sacred Route List for retr bolting. It was discussed for and against this with  the following reasons listed.  

For a Sacred Route List:  

1. May help alleviate fears of some of the climbing community.  

• 2. It would be interesting to know what routes others wanted on the list.  

Against a Sacred Route List:  

• 1. It would be difficult to set up a fair process of how a route qualifies to be on the banned list, and  concerns of backlash if certain members didn’t get their personal classics approved.  • 2. The current system we have requires permission of the FA if possible and allows all of the  climbing community to comment and any route considered sacred by many would bring forth  numerous comments which would be considered by the repair committee with the utmost  importance to do what is best for the majority of the community. This allows for a sensible self  governing community.  

It was voted on by the board for starting a Sacred Route List: It was defeated (5-2), in favor of our  current system only.  


• It was discussed, moved and passed (7-0) that only the 7 board members (chair, co-chair, treasurer,  secretary, publicist, and the tw members at large) can vote on retr bolting after the community  has had time to comment. This allows for an odd number and keeps the repair committee workers  (gate keeper, leads and committee members) as workers only.  


• It was found that we are current as a non profit with the State of South Dakota, however we do not  have non profit status with the Federal Government. Jason is to look into this. Our main goal is we  want liability and it seems we have it with the state but we do climb on federal lands to so we  need to double check.  


• Mike commented that the Access Fund is working to create a program where all members pay a little  higher membership fee at their current coalition and then get a membership to the access fund to and get their support too. This is just in the works, more inf later.  

• It was moved and passed to adjourn.  


Black Hills Climbing Coalition 

Meeting April 20th 2011 

SDSM&T Campus 

Attendees: Alyssa Beil, Samuel Greear, Adrienne Lindholm, Becky Wagner, Chris

Hirsh, Jim Slichter, Daryl Stisser, Toni Braumbaugh, Becky Pinkelman, Ron Yahne, Caleb Hansen, Rich Barry, Peter Lev, Alex Washburn, Adam Bergdale, Eric Sutton, Chuck Mordhorst, Jesse Antes 

Last Meeting: 

• M hill - Still n closures, plan for Jason McNabb and Chris Pelczarski to meet with Jerry • Cole to be proactive 

• Wrinkle Rock Signs- Update from Ron Yahne states Todd VanAlstyne plans to get things moving soon 

• Non Profit Status-Need to fill out paperwork as a board, need to have all board members • sign and have a notary (Toni Braumbaugh) volunteered to be the notary. Plan to have a board meeting next month- this will take care of insurance issues. 

New Business: 

Jason McNabb did a monthly showcase on some new routes in the Lafferty Gulch area • and a new crack in the Play Ground. He also touched on a rediscovery of the route Braille Book in Lafferty Gulch. 

The member showcase next month is Alex Washburn. 

• Pin Fest: July 16th Next month we need to make a decision on how to advertise and need • to hammer out rope issues. Need ropes: need dynamic – Rich to check from Petzel, • Jason $150 thru sterling, both will look into spools too. Need at least 5 this year at least 10 would be ideal although likely out of this years budget. Jim states treas report we • have about 2300 in the acct. Suggestions to raffle off ropes every few years to recover • some cost to replace the ropes properly. We need to make a decision by a vote next • board meeting so we can have them here on time. A motion was proposed by Daryl and • seconded by Rich that the board is to vote and get ropes. This passed unanimously. 

Burr is still planning a slide show when the guidebook comes out. 

• Hold making party is postponed due to the temps outside. It will now be June 11th. The materials are in. 

Alex Washburn is looking for help for the falling rock adopt a crag day. Chris Dale may • be able to help with this. May 14th 2011. 

Forum Update with Alex Washburn. Members get an acct and post. Delete any old • accts. Need to use your first and last name only. 

Route Repair: 

• Jason has all the inf set to post. It will be transparent, we will iron out any finalized • process to present at May meeting. See handouts that are now posted on the web site on Route Repair Procedure and the proposed Evergreen changes. 

• Daryl Stisser moved to use the proposed procedure and Rich second. It passed unanimously. Suggestion for a forbidden list from the retrobolting was discussed with no • decisions made. Please submit your comments on the Evergreen project by email to the repair committee by following the links on the website. The comments will be what the board makes a decision off of.

Other Events: 4/24 Rock Climbing Adventure Porn Film at Crow Peak at 6pm by Mike Nona 

Athletic club is looking for a summer instructor contact Mary or see their website for details 

4/30 is Adopt a Crag day at the Palisades 

5/28 Barn Dance in Custer at the YMCA at 7:30. Contact Cheryl or Daryl. Next Month Membership cards 

Suggestions for next meeting. 

M hill need clean up date suggestion for next meeting 

Discuss email notices for meetings-conflict with spam-bulk emails-Daryl thinks he can • do this tho 

Consider having an area head for each area. 


Meeting March 16th 2011 - Updates from Becky W 

SDSM&T Campus 

Attendees: Skip Nagel, Toni Braumbaugh, Becky Wagner, Jim Slichter, Peter Lev, Jerry Wingenter, Chuch Mordhorst, Tyler Borgwardt, Brian Anderson, Andy Koosman, Denise Hadesty, Chris Pelczarski, Jake Ferguson, Corissa Krueger, Will Busse, Ron Yahne, Jason McNabb, Chris Hirsh 

Last Meeting: 

Vegan Boulder update – not sure of any closures. Rumors there may be issues with • the historical society? N problems were detected and it seems there are not to be any closures. 

Wrinkle Rock interpretive signs- these will discuss the areas use 

Forum is up! Alex put together off of bhclimbers.com – check it out! It is a good way to connect with others and find out how about the conditions of areas etc. 

Monthly Show Case: Jerry Wingenter – Avalanche survivor – climbing in Cody Wy Next Month – Jason McNabb 

Hold making party – Scheduled for Sat April 23rd. Plan is climb Rushmore 9am and meet at Wrinkle Rock Parking Lot at 3pm for food (pot luck) and Hold making. Back up • is April 30th. The publicist is to advertise on Facebook, Email, Website and the Forum. 

Insurance and Ropes: Update from Jason McNabb-discussion with attorney • Need to keep casual – n formal gatherings 

• Volunteer Darrel to make signs and Corrissa Krueger to help 

Rope Inventory? Discussions of individual liability vs group as a whole, the consensus • was to purchase new ropes – Jason and Chris to get cost est for next meeting • Legally if we get a non profit – much less likely to be able to sue –cost is $30 so this is a • good deal. Jason to get this done. 

• Contact Mike Keegan at School to see if any chance of insurance through them-Jason to • do this

• Consensus is to use coalition gear and to say that we are gathering for climbing is ok with the non profit. 


Pin Fest July 16th 2011 

Beans and Biners: Sept 3rd and Mon Sept 5th is the rain day 

• Membership Benefits: Crow Peak, Edge, Athletic Club, We may need to get membership cards 

• Suggestions make rope rugs with old coalition ropes and drawings to give away at meetings or raffles at events 

Route Repair: 

Process is on the website 

Black Hills Climbing Coalition 

Meeting Feb 16th 2011 

SDSM&T Campus 

Discussion of how often we should have meetings? Recommended 1 per mo 

Advertise Meetings with flyers at the tech campus 

• Will send one email per year to non member list, otherwise only send emails to members • Will post on facebook for all to see 

Chris P. suggested a monthly slide show for about 5 min. 

Jim Slichter gave an update on the new Busse guidebook. He says it is great! 

Bouldering Comp next sat feb 19th at the Athletic Club 

• Mold A Hold Party – motion to allow Jim to buy materials passed. About $500. Beans and Biners either Sat Sept 3rd or Sat Sept 10th. With a rain day of Mon Sept 5th. • Rec: to post BHNFS from Wrinkle Rock on website/facebook 

Next Meetings Agenda: clean up day at Falling Rock, Spring Party 

Black Hills Climbing Coalition Meeting Minutes 


School of Mines 

Attendees: Rich Barry, Tyler Bargwardt, Chris Pelczarski, Jim Slichter, Jerry Wingenter, Chris  Spellmeyer, 

Denise Hardesty, Chuck Mordhorst, Snake Ferguson, Chris Hirsch, Becky Wagner, Ron Yahne, Jason

McNabb, Anthony Schwartz, Katie Graue, Chris Dale, Zachary Hewitt 

Introduction of Officers and then all attending members 

Review of last meetings notes 

New Business: 

Ron bought a new 36V hammerdrill that was just under $500 

• Discussion of reasons to join the coalition: Money Raised goes to replace old hardware and keep our • resources in good repair and to be as safe as possible for all to enjoy, to have a voice for all climbers • with issues involving the land managers and the ability to have a contact for landmanagers to make • decisions on climbing areas and to lobby to keep our climbing freedoms, 10% Discount at Granite  Sports 

• in Hill City, discounts on events sponsored by the coalition, a way to meet other climbers 

• Treasure: We have received an additional $120 from membership fees over last months and also an • additional $80 in some informational paper work Bruce Junek had given to Chris Pelczarski from  quite a 

while ago. In Dec we had 1432.41 in the savings and 734.81 in the checking. 

Website overview: Thanks Daryl for taking this on and getting on it! Check out the new website with • more to come! We also have communications with climbers through facebook! 

Announcement of Busse’s Guidebook is July 15th. Burr and Busse are still looking for historic photos no 

• top rope photos. It would be good to possibly be able to combine a book release party and a Burr  slide 

• show and fundraiser. TO contact Burr with photos. 

• Bolting/Route Repair Committee: One of the functions of the coalition is to do route repair,  primarily 

• in Custer and Rushmore. Goal is to identify routes that have unsafe hardware. A number of years  ago 

• the coalition revamped their system to all stainless steel that are all powder coated. Jason got Black • Hills Powder Coat to help get the hardware powder coated. Coming soon is the protocol for repair  and 

• retrbolting and what is required for the coalition to perform these tasks. The members at large and • others from the coalition worked with land managers (intern superintendent) at rushmore to discuss the area they wanted closed after the incident of Green Peace placing a banner over Mt Rushmore. • Land Managers proposed to close most of emancipation. Coalition members lobbied and came to a compromise of not scrambling off the back of emancipation but kept most climbs open. This included • Garfield Goes to Washington, a very popular climb. Please report climbs in need of repair to the  route 

• repair committee. There was an overview of the recent past years repaired routes and the ones to be reviewed next. This should be on the website soon.

• Athletic Club Bouldering Comp: TO be a fundraiser, possible discount for BHCC members at the  Athletic 

Club. Suggested 1st weekend of Feb but possibly the 2nd weekend (Sat) in Feb. 

• Suggested a hold making party at Jims: Should be able to make 70 holds with 2 people in one hour. Cost of 500 holds would be about $200. 

Any questions or suggestions please contact Chris Pelczarski 

Jim Suggested at the next meeting that we discuss: Dates of Pin Fest and Beans and Biners, and a work • day to publicize the dates early! 

Next meeting Feb 16th – place is still open 

• Becky Wagner moved to adjourn and Jason 2nd – meeting adjourned. 

• Social at Patty’s to follow-open to all.Black Hills Climbing Coalition Meeting Minutes