Community Blog
The BHCC wants to offer more creative spaces for our climbers during the COVID-19 outbreak to come together, support one another, and have fun without risking the health of our friends and friends we have not met yet. We welcome ANYONE who wants to share their photos, art pieces, or words to submit their projects to our email where we can share it below!
“Hey, glad you guys are trying to keep people engaged. Here's a bear paw print I saw on Monday while exploring just south of Olton's Shoulder. Nearly crapped myself when I saw it - bear prints appear 10 times larger when hiking alone.”
Harry Potter Climbing Area
Submitted by Mark Rafferty
“My whole life, up until the year 2020, I never fully understood how popular the Harry Potter Series was. Once I became a part of the Peyton’s life and she discovered this fact she immediately made me sit down and watch the entire Harry Potter movie series. Needless to say I “caught the snitch”! Ever since, I’ve become a huge fan and was in awe by how complex the wizarding world is that J.K. Rowling created. Along with a new love for Harry Potter, I realized that I have never heard of any climbing areas named after the series. We have other climbing areas named after popular movie series, like Lord of Rings (Middle Earth in Custer State Park) and Star Wars (The Dark Side in Spearfish Canyon), so it only seemed fitting to create one. Over the past month Peyton Hinn, John Lang, myself, along with many others started developing a roadside bouldering area we named, The Shrieking Shack Boulders. Within this area, we first focused on a 200ft long wall that runs parallel with Highway 244 we named The Horcrux Wall. Like any other new route development comes lots of brushing, breaking off loose holds, and struggle to find the best path. So stay tuned for new routes to be posted on mountain project, and beware of up and coming Harry Potter puns.”
-Mark Rafferty
Biking in Albuquerque
Submitted by Ron Yahne
“On my way home I stopped by Albuquerque and found some great free camping and tons of really good mountain bike trails! Legs so tired, working the cardio, keeping these lungs strong!”
- Ron Yahne