January 2024 Minutes
BHCC Public Meeting | Rapid City | Zymuracracy Brewery - Jan. 15th, 2024
Meeting led by Brandon Emery as Mark, Peyton, and John are phoning in.
Fixed Meeting Times
Board Meetings: Held every 2nd Monday of each month - this will ensure that we are prepared and well organized for public meetings and will give board members a chance to voice concerns regarding their role.
Public Meetings: Held the 3rd Monday of each month. Will be rotating locations between Rapid City, Custer, and Spearfish. Will alternate every third meeting to either Custer or Spearfish to give the BH climbing community a chance to attend meetings.
Look to our website for updates on meeting time, meeting notes (both board and public), and sign up for our newsletter.
Non-profit Status
Our current standing: State Non-profit
We are currently in the process to upgrade to a Federal Non-profit status. Should hear back on application later this spring, can take a while to get approval. This would make us a 501-C3 which means we can issue tax deductible statements to donors. This is helpful for obtaining larger donations from donors.
Changes to Committees
Per the by-laws for the BHCC, committees can be created to assist board members in specific events or activities, and can be disbanded upon completion of that event or activity.
In lieu of this, the board voted to dissolve the following committees: Events Committee and Trails Committee - we will appoint new committees in regard to specific events and activities, these committees will be dissolved after the event is finished. I.e.: if we need help planning pumpfest this spring, we could create a pumpfest 2024 committee to help with different tasks for the pumpfest, after the pumpfest is complete, the 2024 Pumpfest Committee would be dissolved.
Voted to keep Membership committee with Audrey and John. Audrey will be able to teach John so that he can begin to take a more active role as Secretary
Voted to keep Bolting committee active: Chris is here and will give the full bolting committee update after I finish these other few updates.
Rewriting By-laws
Mark is working on rewriting some of the bylaws to be more tuned with the times and the roles that come with each position.
No updates yet from Mark, but stay tuned
BHCC Contact
Fixed our email domain “bhcc@bhclimbers.com” and added another email specifically for important interactions with land managers, events, etc. “bhcc.board@bhclimbers.com”
All board members have access to these so we can make timely responses as well as website updates in order to have faster turn around time for publishing reports and updates.
BHCC Equipment
Working on having a small storage unit to keep our supplies instead of moving them around to people’s homes. This would make it easier to keep track of everything and make sure it is always returned to where it needs to be.
Discussion taken place on storage options
Climbing Managment Plan Updates
Last chance to submit response letter to the open forum: head to website to find links and best way to comment. Click here for more info.
Have meeting setup with CSP end of January/early Feb to discuss this further.
Forest Service needs to be contacted about management place.
Mount Rushmore also needs to be contacted about being involved with this plan.
Currently hold over $12,000 in our bank account savings.
Want to add more trail clean ups for areas in the hills. Stay tuned and share ideas after Chris’ updates
Pumpfest July 19/20 - more info to come on this. (weekend after lander festival)
Beans and Biners 9/2
Spearfish event suggested! Maybe in spring
Banff Film Festival @ Elks (April)
Access Fund Trail Day (August)
Reel Rock @ Elks (Fall)
CSP Trail Day (spring or fall event)
(Event insurance mentioned - board looking into it as possibility for this year for our bigger events)
Bolting Committee Update from Chris Hirsch: ….
16 routes in CSP
3 routes in Rushmore
5 routes in Spearfish (sunshine wall)
Craig Kenyon is stepping down from bolting committee, Larry Shaffer is taking place
Switching from triplex bolt to glue in for all areas!
Route repairs can be seen here
Routes mentioned that needed repairs:
Mark mentioned to utilize website to report bad bolts use this link to do so (just select SD)
Open Comment Period
Drilling project mentioned in spearfish - Brent suggests commenting on project as the deadline is coming soon
Forest service is looking at an old growth timber survey for spearfish which might limit access