March 2024 Minutes
Mark, Ricky, Peyton, John, Brandon, Brennan, Craig, Matt, Charlie, Natalia, Leslie, Toni, Wyatt, Tyson, Mary, Chris P, Grant, and Cole
All three land managers have met with the coalition
Mt. Rushmore
Climbing steward/bhcc board position
Volunteer position from local coalition member/ local climber
Person on the ground talking about maintenance, what climbers need, low time
commitment (just one day a week in Rushmore)
Mt. Rushmore was very pro climbing, were psyched about working with us, and are aware of us as a resource
Raptor Closures: They will let us know about closures if needed
Received interagency climbing management plan from 1998.
Goal would be to create a new plan and make it official.
Lydia Austin new contact for CSP (not superintendent but shares duty of superintendent)
Positive attitude towards climbers- beginnings of great progress
Her vision is having new plan with all land managers setup
Raptor Closures: They will let us know about closures if needed
Black Hills NFS
Discussed climbing management plan.
Not sure what to do with the trails to crags.
Going to meet up in person at some point and get a tour of the crags/trails.
Looking into putting together a memorandum of understanding
Meeting mostly on how they manage trails to crags
How can we manage trails without making them official? This will become memorandum
Hell Canyon Ranger District
Tyson mentioned the need to reach out to them
Dan Austin is recreation manager for this area
Chey Lynn or Cheylinn might also be recreation manager - look into this contact
Reel Rock 18 | Spring Showing
Location(s): Elks Theatre (May 10th) & Beacon (May 11th)
Reel rock: $1400 for two showings
April 20th online premiere is released
Elks theater $1200-1700 range
Beacon $500
Need volunteers to help get sponsors ASAP
Ads will come out this week
Dated moved to July 26/27th due to gold discovery days
Top ropes seem best behind the lake
Wants to add on nora’s wall for pumpfest this year
After party location
Event Insurance
Working on insurance policy for events
No updates as of now, board is investigating need and price for insurance for pumpfest and beans and biners
Very typical for other climbing events
Sponsorships can offset this price
Especially since we are non-profit federally (not we can write stuff off)
Toni spoke about insurance coming form Access Fund - we will investigate this
Spearfish Climbing Day
Later this fall - looking for a school to host - BHSU?
Spearfish Scramble - teamed event
We could be a supporter for event and use BHSU’s insurance
Non-Profit Status
IRS has taken money out, waiting for official paperwork
Storage Unit Prices
Rapid City (Fox Den on top of Catron) = $75
Looking to find a place by Reel Rock.
Storage unit sponsorship perhaps?
By-Laws Edit
Uploaded bylaws into gmail so everyone can edit.
BHCC Membership Pricing
All the board members voted yes to raise it to $35.
July 1st will be when it's effective halfway through the year.
No members at meeting objected to such
Operating Procedures Project:
Do all board members have access to the gmail?
Make sure all login information is in the google drive.
banking login info
Membership excel sheets
Non profit status and other reports
Bolting committee reports
Goal is to make a “standard operating procedures” pdf before this year (preferably in a couple months)
Open Comment:
Mary suggested we should connect bolting committee to rest of members better
Bolting committee is voted on position for members needed
Some thoughts and comments saying add names and emails to website for re-bolting committee members as contact if people want to be involved
Wyatt mentioned need for trail day near Baldy going down by camp Jenson
Might be in Norbeck - very strict on what they allow
We should try to do it before labor day
Due to boy scout pilgrimage
Wyatt suggested Climbing Coalition have table at Stevens or other schools for safety education
Perhaps we should make an event for teaching high schoolers about climbing safety or even just connecting them with a way to educate them
Need to make post about signing up for newletter